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Kolstein Music

Kolstein Cleaner & Polish Kit

Regular price $73.00 AUD
Regular price $98.00 AUD Sale price $73.00 AUD
Sale Currently Unavailable
SKU: KP-021

The Kolstein Clean and Polish Kit offer the musician a revolutionary concept in the total care of all string and woodwind instruments and their accessories. The Kolstein cleaner removes stubborn dirt and rosin build-up without disturbing the finest varnish or other finishes.

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The cleaner contains a preservative oil which is excellent for ebony and rosewood fingerboards as well exotic woods. It helps to blend in minor gouges and scratches with the original finish.

The Kolstein polish will restore the full natural luster of the finest finishes acted upon by time and usage. Along with the Kolstein polishing cloths included in the kit, the polish will keep the instrument clean and retard the build-up of dirt and rosin.
All items in the kit may be purchased separately.