Barrie Kolstein is a well studied and established violin maker, restorer, and appraiser. While earning a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Administration and Marketing from the State University of New York at Albany, Barrie formally studied the Double Bass under the pedagogues: Frederick Zimmermann, Assistant Principal of the New York Philharmonic; Orin O’Brien, New York Philharmonic; Georges Andre, Metropolitan Opera; Robert Gladstone, Principal Bassist Detroit Symphony; Samuel Hollingsworth, Principal Bassist Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra; David Holland, renowned Jazz artist.
Barrie first served Kolstein’s from 1974-1978 in formal apprenticeship for instrument and bow restoration, construction and appraisals, under the expert auspices of his father, renowned violin and bow maker, restorer, and appraiser, Samuel Kolstein.
Barrie later served as staff instrument and bow restorer, making numerous new violin and celli with Samuel Kolstein, before being promoted to head violin maker, restorer and appraiser, and assuming full business responsibility for operating all aspects of Samuel Kolstein & Son, Ltd. and Kolstein Music, Inc. in 1981
Over the years Barrie Kolstein has completed well over one hundred instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass Violins) utilized by renowned players including Jeffrey Turner, Pittsburgh Symphony; Robert Gladstone, Detroit Symphony; James Van Demark, Professor of Double Bass Eastman School of Music and world-famous soloist; Charles Urbont, Metropolitan Opera; James Clute, Minnesota Symphony Orchestra; David Sheets, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra; Lou Norton, New York Philharmonic; Caitlyn Kamanga, Hong Kong Philharmonic;, Scott Haig, Assistant Principal Bassist, Cleveland Orchestra; Heinrich Joachim, renowned soloist and former member of the New York Philharmonic; Lew Norton, New York Philharmonic; Barbara Yendell, Hong Kong Philharmonic, to name a few!

Barrie J. Kolstein
Head violin maker, restorer, and appraiser
Complimentary to his work for Samuel Kolstein & Son, Ltd. and Kolstein Music, Inc. Barrie also became a notable editor and contributor within the world of classical music, publishing numerous technical articles on restoration and appraisals in the International Society of Bassists with a feature article published in The Strad, February 1991. Barrie was also published regularly in the Double Bassist magazine and the Strad magazine, both of London, England, from 1996. These articles have ranged form interviews with makers and performers, technical articles on repair/making, and expert appraisal articles on historic master makers. Barrie also serves as editor of the “Luthier Corner” in the International Society of Bassists magazine restoration and repair forum.
Mr. Kolstein is a member of: the Appraisers Association of America, 1994 to present; the International Society of Bassists, 1979 to present; the Violin Society of America, 1980 to present; the Viola Congress, 1983 to present; and the Cello Congress, 1982 to present. B. Kolstein is also listed in The Violin Makers of the United States, by Thomas J. Wenberg, Mount Hood Publishing Company, 1986.